What is Online Market System? How to Set Up?


This articleexplains how to set up an online market system. What needs to be done to provide the online market service? We will answer your questions.

Recently, you may have come across advertisements offering the option to shop for groceries online. They all have the same slogan "Order from us." While these companies manage their own operations with large teams, "how can we do this job?" among grocery, market and supermarket operators. If there are people who ask themselves the question, the answer is very simple. In a few steps, you can start taking orders immediately by transferring your own products onto an e-commerce site.

Since this is how the industry evolves. People have gotten used to the convenience of ordering from their homes. Since they see that going to the market, carrying bags and queuing is a waste of time. Then you should give this service to them.

Why Should You Use Online Market System?

You can have the opportunity to reach more customers.

You can expand to new regions by increasing your target customer base.

You can easily determine the products that you will add to your virtual store.

You can only upload the products you want to your online market.

You can be more visible in the area you serve and earn more.

You can increase your competitive power by saving on rent etc. expenses.

You can set a lower limit for customer purchases.

Average cart amounts converted into sales in order to receive service (due to minimum cart amounts) may reach a higher amount than the customer coming to your store.

What is Required to Set Up an Online Market System?
First of all, you decide on a suitable e-commerce program
 and package for yourself and start the installation process. Afterwards, you transfer your products to the system with a program such as excel etc. without any hassle. By transferring your products to your website in bulk through the panel, you start selling immediately. You can also transfer your stocks to your online market system by integrating your stocks through the software you are using (it is not necessary/but if you have it, your work will be much easier). In this way, you can easily update the products that are newly added to your market and the prices of which have changed, instantly through your online market.

Afterwards (by choosing the location from which you will deliver the products/services, you define the shipping and delivery times in the system.) your customers add the products to the basket and complete the transaction by taking the payment (with credit card or/cash at the door options).

How will you know that the order has arrived?

You can track the orders placed by your customers on your management panel and receive instant notifications via e-mail. You can also view and print orders through the ERP program (WOLVOX ERP) you are using.

Success in e-commerce proceeds in parallel with choosing the right partner. Remember that you need to research thoroughly and try new ways to get maximum efficiency.

To have information about all our e-commerce packages, you can contact us by calling +90 444 40 80 or by filling out our contact form. By spending just a few minutes, you can fill out our form and try our free demo panel, which will be specially created for you, for 15 days.

We would like to state that we would be pleased to assist you with any questions you may have. We hope to see you in better days.